What an amazing journey we have had so far! We can’t believe it has been over 18 months since we began this pathway, with many a story to be told about the many moments we have endured, laughed at, met new people, learned, and been blown away by the amazing industry we have become a part of.

We have navigated labels, licensing, website design and most recently, opening a tasting room in Mile End (South Australia).

Now fully licensed, we offer our gin for tastings, a full range of high quality spirits, a selection of wines and beers from Jeanneret in Clare Valley, South Australia and Prancing Pony, also a local South Australian brewery.


So, with gin, we begin. Unlike many other distilleries, our process starts with the humble yeast, using our own recipe to produce the spirit base that then is developed into gin. Traditionally, gin must contain at least 50% juniper to be classed as such, and to this we add 13 locally sourced botanicals including lemon myrtle, strawberry gum, pepper berry and Geraldton wax to create a truly unique and floral Signature Gin. This can be served in a tall glass with plenty of ice, tonic or soda water, a twist of lemon peel and a sprig of lemon thyme.

We have had some fun with seasonal fruits to create a fig gin and an orange and lemon peel gin. These gins are available to the public now and we will continue to develop single-season gins. So far, we have created a strong family of 3 gins, being offered for tastings and sale, also including a scrumptious bramble and a bold Navy strength gin.

Macerated in blackberry and lemon, the bramble has fast become a favourite amongst our fans, especially when presented as a delicious bramble sour.

The navy strength has been born from our fascination of the history of alcohol. Amongst many other things, we realise how little many of us know about the origins of products and their story. Navy strength (58%) gin developed from when the naval ships would be given rations of alcohol such as rum and gin for the crew. Stored below deck in wooden barrels together with the gunpowder, if the barrels started leaking and soaking into the gunpowder, the alcohol content had to be at least 57.15%, so the gunpowder wasn’t left  smouldering and unusable. Our Navy strength is more aligned with the familiar tastes of London dry gin. Whilst stronger, this can be enjoyed neat over ice with some fresh lemon and dill.

Fun fact: the idea of ‘proof’ of alcohol was before the time alcohol content could be easily calculated – this was a way it could be tested (or ‘proved’) to not have been watered down – by burning it to see if it smouldered or otherwise.


The Three Little Birds Distillery brand has been created to celebrate Australia. We both love music, and are avid Triple J listeners, with Like a Version on Friday mornings being a staple part of our ‘must listen to’ for some years.

A few years ago, Philly, an indigenous singer, sang his own version of Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds”. In the interview beforehand, his words resonated with us, – let’s celebrate each other, work together, and simply live in ‘peace love and unity’.

Philly’s rendition of the song has remained in our playlists ever since.


Our ethos is squarely footed in working with and supporting local wherever possible. We are new and learning fast, but our ultimate goal is to work with local produce to promote and support Adelaide, South Australia and Australia.

Signature Gin

you look so young!

are you over 18?